Coming Up!
Friday, March 4, 2011 at 04:20PM
Michael Perlman

No sooner have I returned from the West Coast then I will make my way back in that direction.

Up first is "We Are Proud to Present a Presentation..." presented as part of the Magic Theatre's Virgin Play Series in San Francisco.  I can't tell you how proud I am to present Jackie Sibblies' remarkable play again.  It's a funny, painful and political work, and if you are in the Bay Area I highly suggest you come see it at this stage in its development.  

After that, I head to Boise, Idaho and the Boise Contemporary Theater to direct Eric Coble's beautiful, timely play "Velocity of Autumn," a play that speaks very personally to me and that I'm very excited to work on with this exciting theatre dedicated to contemporary work.

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