
Assisting Galore!

Exciting news!

My next few months are going to be spent being in some wonderful rehearsal rooms.

Up first is Fiasco Theater Company's inspiring production of Cymbeline, which will be returning for an off-Broadway run at the Barrow Street Theatre!  I'm so excited to get to spend time with this exciting ensemble and watch directors Noah Brody and Ben Steinfeld at work!

After that, I'm going to be assisting Jonathan Berry on the New York premiere of Andrew Hinderaker's beautiful and provocative play Suicide Inc. at Roundabout Underground.

Stay tuned for more!



How excited was I this morning to discover that Dog Park, the wonderful new Paul Grellong play I directed last summer, was nominated as Best Summer Stock Production by Motif Magazine.  It was a great experience working with Paul and the whole team, and I'm excited that they remembered it almost a year later!

Go to Motif Magazine to vote for Dog Park and a number of Trinity Rep performances!


Could It Happen?

I'm very proud to share with you a wonderful musical being produced as no musical before has been - as a youtube radio play!!!  I had the honor of helping put together this awesome project, and this musical by Mike Pettry and Heidi Heilig is fun and inventive and incredibly entertaining!  The cast is sensational and the music catchy!  Trust me - I've had it in my head for weeks!




Coming Up!

No sooner have I returned from the West Coast then I will make my way back in that direction.

Up first is "We Are Proud to Present a Presentation..." presented as part of the Magic Theatre's Virgin Play Series in San Francisco.  I can't tell you how proud I am to present Jackie Sibblies' remarkable play again.  It's a funny, painful and political work, and if you are in the Bay Area I highly suggest you come see it at this stage in its development.  

After that, I head to Boise, Idaho and the Boise Contemporary Theater to direct Eric Coble's beautiful, timely play "Velocity of Autumn," a play that speaks very personally to me and that I'm very excited to work on with this exciting theatre dedicated to contemporary work.


Way out West!

I sit here exhausted and overwhelmed after a wonderful trip to some of the great cities out on the west coast.  Beginning in Portland, where I saw fellow Drama League Fellow Tamara Fisch's terrific production of "The Scene" at Portland Playhouse, I then took a trip to Seattle, where I visited Tim Sullivan, Production Manager at the Intiman.  For those of you who don't know, Intiman is facing lots of trouble, and could use some help.  I also visited clown teacher Jane Nichols' class at University of Washington and got to laugh and cry as her students grappled with what it means to simply be.  Jane is a remarkable teacher and it's always a gift to see her at work.

After Seattle, I made my way back south to Ashland and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, where I visited with Bill Rauch and saw his terrific production of "Measure for Measure", as well as Laurie Woolery's exquisite production of "The Language Archives" and Marion McClinton's touching production of "To Kill A Mockingbird."  It was an exciting few days of theater, and wonderful community of dedicated artists.  I look forward to returning!

My last stop was San Francisco, where I saw Loretta Greco's funny and provocative production of Therese Rebeck's new play "What We're Up Against" at the Magic Theatre.  I was also honored to see Liesl Tommy's production of "Ruined" at Berkeley Rep, a pitch-perfect production of a powerful play that left me breathless the two nights I saw it.  As a special bonus, my former Brown/Trinity co-candidate Christopher Windom assistant directed, so I got to play cheer-leader to two of my favorite directors at once!  And then as a triple bonus, I got to visit with Stephen Buescher, a director, actor and teacher who is among the smartest theater people I know.

It was thrilling to see the work that is going on in so many places, and the variety of perspectives.  It was a gift to be able to go on this trip, and I look forward to making my way back west!

Now it's back to work!