Art Isn't Easy...

But it can be so rewarding!
I am so proud to post about my newest project, a play called From White Plains that opened last night. It's a play I wrote with an amazing group of actors and designers and produced by Fault Line Theater Company. Doing double duty as playwright and director is one of the harder things I've done, but the difficulty makes the result so rewarding.
We started the project with a simple idea of using the hot topic of Bullying to explore what it means to become an adult. We wanted to challenge the notion that good play development requires years and readings and workshops to accomplish, and simply say, we have a story to tell and we are committed to telling it. A short five months later, here we are!
People have really been responding to this play! Try to see it if you can! It runs til Sunday, June 10th!
For more information, go to
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