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My kind of town...

Just returned from Chicago, where Brown Nose Theatre is doing a terrific production of From White Plains.  It was such a gift to get to meet the creative team and cast, and to do talkbacks with them.  They're really giving their all and the payoff is a smart, fast paced production that really let the play shine.  Was thrilled I got the chance to see it!

This weekend, original cast member Craig Divino opens another production at Xavier University in Cincinnati! 

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Reader Comments (1)

Hey Michael,
I graduated from XU this past Spring and was actually a part of XU's production that Craig directed. What an awesome guy! I got to play Greg and, happening upon your site, I just wanted to quickly say thanks for writing such a great, relatable piece.
Patrick E. Phillips

October 13, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick Phillips

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