
My kind of town...

Just returned from Chicago, where Brown Nose Theatre is doing a terrific production of From White Plains.  It was such a gift to get to meet the creative team and cast, and to do talkbacks with them.  They're really giving their all and the payoff is a smart, fast paced production that really let the play shine.  Was thrilled I got the chance to see it!

This weekend, original cast member Craig Divino opens another production at Xavier University in Cincinnati! 



This winter, I will be going out to Cleveland to direct Leah Napoli's beautiful adaptation of Isaac Singer's Yentl at Cleveland Playhouse. I couldn't be more excited to be going out to Cleveland to work with Interim Artistic Director Laura Kepley.  For those of you who only know the movie, you should check out this stage version as well, which really explores the full complexities of Singer's original story.

Later in the year, I will be returning to one of my favorite homes, Trinity Repertory Company.  I will be directing resident company member Stephen Thorne's insightful, compelling and funny play Veronica Meadows.  I can't wait to work with Stephen and members of the Resident Company.  It's always a gift to return and work at this remarkable theater.  



More Life

Thrilled to announce that we'll be doing From White Plains at The Kitchen Theater in Ithaca, NY this fall!  If you're in the area, come see our GLAAD Media Award Winning Production!!


What can you do on a Saturday night...

Very excited to announced that FROM WHITE PLAINS won a GLAAD Media Award last night.

Words can't express how much it means that members of the LGBT Community responded to the play and gave us this incredibly honor.  

Looking forward to sharing more good news moving forward!


Listen up again!

Check out NPR's Theater Talk to hear Adam Feldman offer a completely unexpected recommendation for From White Plains as one of the exciting off-broadway entries currently playing!

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